Priedai, reikmenys

DEEPER Bait Boat Sonar Holder sonaro laikiklis jaukinimo laiveliui

Unikali konstrukcija, specialiai sukurta naudojimui su Deeper PRO ir CHIRP serijų sonarais. Sonaro laikiklis tinka daugeliui jaukinimo laivelių ir tvirtinamas be jokių papildomų įrankių ir gręžimo. Kaip naudotiPritvirtink sonaro laikiklį prie jaukinimo laivelio su pridėtais lipdukus. Deeper sonarą..

39.90 € Be PVM: 32.98 €

DEEPER CHIRP+ 2 WiFi / GPS Smart Sonar sonaras

Žvejok sumaniau su labai tikslius ir aiškius rodmenis pateikiančiu sonaru CHIRP+ 2 ir programėle Fish Deeper™. Planuok, registruok ir analizuok žvejybą ir kurk batimetrinius žemėlapius. Savo duomenis galėsi peržiūrėti bet kuriame įrenginyje. Galingiausias užmetamas sonaras Puiki skiriamoji geba ir i..

399.99 € Be PVM: 330.57 €

DEEPER Fishfinder Start Smart Sonar sonaras

Užmetamas žuvų ieškiklis Deeper START yra tobulas prietaisas kasdienėms žvejybos išvykoms. Greičiau aptikite žuvis pasirinkę pagrindinį ekrano režimą su paprastu atvaizdavimu, o su pirminių duomenų režimu matykite dar tikslesnius, nefiltruotus duomenis. Deeper START puikiai tinka. . . Žvejojantiems ..

129.99 € Be PVM: 107.43 €

DEEPER Flexible Arm Mount 2.0 sonaro laikiklis

Paverskite valtį, baidarę arba pripučiamą plaustą galinga sonaro sistema. Pritvirtink Deeper sonarą (3.0, PRO, PRO+, PRO+ 2, CHIRP+ arba CHIRP+ 2) prie lanksčiojo laikiklio, priveržk laikiklį prie valties ir vilk sonarą, kad susikurtum tikslius žemėlapius ir aptiktum norimas žuvis. Bangavimui pritai..

69.90 € Be PVM: 57.77 €

DEEPER PRO 2 Wi-Fi Smart Sonar sonaras

Pasirinkę Deeper Smart Sonar PRO, jūs galėsite plaukiodami po vandens telkinį sudaryti jo batimetrinį planą, pasižymėti pačius įdomiausius telkinio taškus, stebėti povandeninį pasaulį poledinės žūklės metu, tyrinėti dugną gaudydami nuo kranto. Šio universalaus ir galingo echoloto signalas pasiekia 8..

199.99 € Be PVM: 165.28 €

DEEPER PRO+ 2 Wi-Fi / GPS Smart Sonar sonaras

Patobulintas ir dar geresnis: trijų impulsų dažniai, aiškesni rodmenys, geresnis GPS veikimas, ilgiau veikianti baterija (iki 9 valandų, priklausomai nuo naudojimo) ir didesnis skenavimo gylis - iki 100 m. 3 impulsų dažniai Greičiau aptik žuvų susibūrimo vietas skenuodamas vandenis plačiu 47° (100 k..

299.99 € Be PVM: 247.93 €

DEEPER Quest Bait Boat jaukinimo laivelio akumuliatoriai

Papildomos baterijos - akumuliatoriai DEEPER Quest Bait Boat jaukinimo laiveliui..

299.00 € Be PVM: 247.11 €

DEEPER Quest Bait Boat jaukinimo laivelis

DEEPER Quest jaukinimo laivelisAutopilotas tavo paslaugoms Mūsų komanda sukūrė revoliucinę technologiją, kuri išreiškia naują požiūrį į dugno tyrinėjimą ir judėjimą vandeniu. Šis autopilotas gali be vargo sugeneruoti gylio žemėlapius ir keliauti tiksliai ten, kur reikia, - be nuolatinės priežiūros...

1,849.00 € Be PVM: 1,528.10 €

DEEPER Range Extender & Phone Holder + Bait Boat Sonar Holder Kit sonaro ryšio stiprintuvas ir telefono laikiklis + laikiklis jaukinimo laiveliui

DEEPER ryšio stiprintuvas ir telefono laikiklis Mėgaukis geresniu ryšiu tarp telefono ir sonaro, kai yra didelis atstumas ir žvejoji su jaukinimo laiveliu. Deeper ryšio stiprintuvas yra oficialiai sertifikuotas aukštos kokybės vandeniui atsparus įrenginys, kurį lengva surinkti ir naudoti. Parduodama..

179.90 € Be PVM: 148.68 €

DEEPER Range Extender & Phone Holder Kit sonaro ryšio stiprintuvas ir telefono laikiklis

Mėgaukis geresniu ryšiu tarp telefono ir sonaro, kai yra didelis atstumas ir žvejoji su jaukinimo laiveliu. Deeper ryšio stiprintuvas yra oficialiai sertifikuotas aukštos kokybės vandeniui atsparus įrenginys, kurį lengva surinkti ir naudoti. Parduodamas kartu su telefono laikikliu, kuris tinka įvair..

149.90 € Be PVM: 123.88 €

DEEPER Smart Sonar Tripod sonaro stovas

Itin naudingas priedas žvejybai ir ne tik. Idealiai tinka naudoti su Deeper ryšio stiprintuvo rinkiniu jaukinimo laiveliui. Stovas išlaikys ryšio stiprintuvą reikiamame aukštyje, kad būtų užtikrinta optimali telefono ir Deeper sonaro ryšio kokybė. Idealiai tinka žvejybai su jaukinimo laiveliu naudoj..

69.90 € Be PVM: 57.77 €

DEEPER Smartphone Mount sonaro laikiklis

Patogiai ir saugiai laikykite išmanųjį telefoną, kai žvejojate iš valties ar baidarės. Tiesiog pritvirtinkite prie valties ar baidarės korpuso Magic Arm svirtį ir įdėkite išmanųjį telefoną į laikiklį. Pastarasis taip pat suderinamas su Deeper Flexible Arm Mount 2.0 - prie jo telefono laikiklį galima..

59.90 € Be PVM: 49.50 €

FOX Aquos Camo Bait Belt dėklas masalams (didelis, 8 l)

Product OverviewThe perfect mobile, baiting, stalking, floater fishing pouch Designed to be worn around the waist to give quick and easy access to bait and/or tackle Fully welded bag ensures liquids can't enter/exit Ideal for use with all baits including glugged boilies and wet spod mixes Makes ba..

41.99 € 37.79 € Be PVM: 31.23 €

FOX Aquos Camo Bait Storage dėklas masalams (didelis)

Waterproof, hardwearing EVA bait storage bag Unique Fox Camo pattern design 1mm walls with a 1.5mm heavy duty base for strength High quality large zips Gunsmoke see through branded lid Hard wearing polyester carry straps Ergonomic zip pullers M: Measures 17cm x 17cm x 9cm Can store up to 4x large p..

29.99 € 26.99 € Be PVM: 22.31 €

FOX Aquos Camo Bait Storage dėklas masalams (mažas)

Waterproof, hardwearing EVA bait storage bag Unique Fox Camo pattern design 1mm walls with a 1.5mm heavy duty base for strength High quality large zips Gunsmoke see through branded lid Hard wearing polyester carry straps Ergonomic zip pullers M: Measures 17cm x 17cm x 9cm Can store up to 4x large p..

22.99 € 20.69 € Be PVM: 17.10 €

FOX Aquos Camo Bait Storage dėklas masalams (vidutinis)

Waterproof, hardwearing EVA bait storage bag Unique Fox Camo pattern design 1mm walls with a 1.5mm heavy duty base for strength High quality large zips Gunsmoke see through branded lid Hard wearing polyester carry straps Ergonomic zip pullers M: Measures 17cm x 17cm x 9cm Can store up to 4x large p..

26.99 € 24.29 € Be PVM: 20.08 €

FOX AQUOS Camo Rig Water Bucket kibiras pavadėlių testavimui

Rectangular EVA Water bucket with clear viewing panelIdeal for balancing and checking your rig is sitting perfectlyCan also be used for carp care, washing up, mixing bait etc.Unique Fox Camo pattern design1 mm walls with a 1.5 mm heavy duty base for strengthHard wearing carry cordsMeasures: 30.5 cm ..

26.99 € 24.29 € Be PVM: 20.08 €

FOX Boilie Baiting Spoon jaukinimo samtelis

Product OverviewFour models of Baiting Spoon now available Large - perfect all-rounder for variety of baits including boilies and pellets Mini - ideal for loading Impact Spods and Spombs, loading bait boat hoppers, for mixing up ingredients and controlled baiting when only small quantities are nee..

19.99 € 17.99 € Be PVM: 14.87 €

FOX Bucket Insert įdėklas 10 l kibirui

Product OverviewThree compartment design Separates and organises tackle items and bait. Moulded grip feature for ease of removal Sized to fit Fox/Spomb 10 l buckets Insert can sit on the edge of the bucket allowing access to the bucket contents. Ideal for: Stalking, Short session angling, PVA bag ..

5.99 € 5.39 € Be PVM: 4.46 €

FOX Bucket Insert įdėklas 17 l kibirui

Product OverviewThree compartment design Separates and organises tackle items and bait. Moulded grip feature for ease of removal Sized to fit Fox/Spomb 17 l buckets Insert can sit on the edge of the bucket allowing access to the bucket contents. Ideal for: Stalking, Short session angling, PVA bag ..

5.99 € 5.39 € Be PVM: 4.46 €

FOX Camo Square Bucket kibiras su dangčiu (10 l)

10 litrų talpos FOX Camo Square Bucket kibiras su dangčiu ir sustiprinta metaline rankena yra pagamintas iš tvirto plastiko. Dėl stačiakampės formos šį kibirą patogu stabiliai pastatyti transportuojant automobilyje ar ant karučio.Tai itin praktiškas pasirinkimas kiekvienam žvejui.SAVYBĖS•    Talpa 1..

11.99 € 10.79 € Be PVM: 8.92 €

FOX Camo Square Bucket kibiras su dangčiu (17 l)

17 litrų talpos FOX Camo Square Bucket kibiras su dangčiu ir sustiprinta metaline rankena yra pagamintas iš tvirto plastiko. Dėl stačiakampės formos šį kibirą patogu stabiliai pastatyti transportuojant automobilyje ar ant karučio. Tai itin praktiškas pasirinkimas kiekvienam žvejui.SAVYBĖS•    Talpa ..

17.99 € 16.19 € Be PVM: 13.38 €

FOX Camo Square Bucket kibiras su dangčiu (5 l)

5 litrų talpos FOX Camo Square Bucket kibiras su dangčiu ir sustiprinta metaline rankena yra pagamintas iš tvirto plastiko. Dėl stačiakampės formos šį kibirą patogu stabiliai pastatyti transportuojant automobilyje ar ant karučio. Tai itin praktiškas pasirinkimas kiekvienam žvejui.SAVYBĖS•    Talpa 5..

8.99 € 8.09 € Be PVM: 6.69 €

FOX Camolite Air Dry Bag + Hookbait Bag krepšys jaukams (didelis)

Large Supplied with free hookbait bagPerfect for air-drying boilies when on longer sessionsReinforced carry/hanging handlesUnique Fox Camo printHeavy duty zips100% treated polyester 500 denier48cm x 51cm  MediumSupplied with free hookbait bagPerfect for air-drying boilies when on longer sessionsRein..

18.99 € 17.09 € Be PVM: 14.12 €

FOX Camolite Bucket Cushion sėdynė kibirui

Product OverviewPadded bucket cushion sized to fit on both 10 l and 17 l buckets Elasticated clips allow it to be fixed on each size Styled in the unique Fox camo pattern 5 cm sponge and foam padding for comfort Dimensions: 29.5 cm x 26 cm x 5 cm Main Fabric 100% Polyester, Padding 70% Polyethlyen..

13.99 € 12.59 € Be PVM: 10.41 €

FOX Distance Baiting Spoon jaukinimo samtelis

Product OverviewSuper-strong yet lightweight spoon Slotted to allow liquid to drain off Increased angle for perfect use with a long handle for distance baiting with all baits ..

13.99 € 12.59 € Be PVM: 10.41 €

FOX Edges Bait Bungs Clear masalo fiksatoriai (10 vnt.)

• Designed to prevent a hookbait sliding down the Hair towards the hook• Especially useful when using snowman presentation to keep two baits next to each other on the Hair • Simply slide onto the hooklink before tying the loop on the Hair• Supplied on wire loops• 10 Bungs per packet..

4.49 € 4.04 € Be PVM: 3.34 €

FOX Edges Boilie Caps Clear masalo fiksatoriai (120 vnt.)

FOX Edges Boilie Caps ClearKey Features:Discreet & buoyant bait stops.Fit snugly against the curved surface of any boilie.120 Caps per pack...

4.49 € 4.04 € Be PVM: 3.34 €

FOX Edges Essentials Extender Stops masalo fiksatoriai

Product OverviewExtender stops allow the angler to change hook baits, size and quantity No need to tie a new rig Supplied in recyclable cardboard wallets ..

3.59 € 3.23 € Be PVM: 2.67 €

FOX Edges Micro Drill grąžtelis (1 mm)

Designed for drilling ultra fine holes into hookbaitsAllows you create a bore in a hard bait for your baiting needlePerfect for hard baits such as nuts, air-dried boilies and corkball pop-upsErgonomically designed highly visual handle..

4.99 € 4.49 € Be PVM: 3.71 €

FOX Edges Naturals Zig Aligna Kit dirbtiniai masalai (3 vnt.)

Product OverviewNew naturals colour options: black, brown and olive Allows more subtle changes to be made, could make the difference on tricky days Aligna imitates shape and colour of emerging larvae Quick and easy to change hookbait colour Mix and match colour options Better Hookholds and anti-ej..

7.99 € 7.19 € Be PVM: 5.94 €

FOX Edges Nut Drill grąžtelis (1.5 mm)

The FOX 1.5mm Nut Drill is perfect for drilling fine holes through the centre of any hard bait from trout pellets through to nuts, air dried boilies and floating pellets...

6.99 € 6.29 € Be PVM: 5.20 €

FOX Edges Pellet Pegs masalo fiksatoriai (11 mm)

Fox Pellet Pegs have been designed to make the presentation of trout and halibut pellet hook baits both practical and effective.The profile of the Pellet Peg has been shaped to ensure it provides a secure anchor point even when the pellet has begun to soften in water. This stops the hair from pullin..

4.49 € 4.04 € Be PVM: 3.34 €

FOX Edges Pellet Pegs masalo fiksatoriai (13 mm)

Fox Pellet Pegs have been designed to make the presentation of trout and halibut pellet hook baits both practical and effective.The profile of the Pellet Peg has been shaped to ensure it provides a secure anchor point even when the pellet has begun to soften in water. This stops the hair from pullin..

4.49 € 4.04 € Be PVM: 3.34 €

FOX Edges Tadpole Multi Beads fiksatoriai (10 vnt.)

The Tadpole Multi Bead can be used to create semi fixed running lead set ups and be used as a buffer bead for running inline/shocker inline set ups.EDGES™The new Edges range is made up of a whole host of end tackle products that have each individually been designed to make the rigs you tie better th..

6.29 € 5.66 € Be PVM: 4.68 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Foam dirbtiniai masalai (geltoni, 3 vnt.)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

4.99 € 4.49 € Be PVM: 3.71 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Foam dirbtiniai masalai (juodi, 3 vnt.)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

4.99 € 4.49 € Be PVM: 3.71 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Foam dirbtiniai masalai (raudoni, 3 vnt.)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

4.99 € 4.49 € Be PVM: 3.71 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Kit dirbtiniai masalai (juodi, raudoni, geltoni)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

8.99 € 8.09 € Be PVM: 6.69 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Loading Tool įrankis masalo tvirtinimui

Product Overview Following the incredible success of the Zig Aligna's since their launch we have been inundated with requests to sell the special little loading tool separately and also to make it a brighter colour. We have therefore made the tool bright Fox orange and put two in a packet to be sold..

3.99 € 3.59 € Be PVM: 2.97 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Sleeves dirbtiniai masalai (geltonos, 8 vnt.)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

6.99 € 6.29 € Be PVM: 5.20 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Sleeves dirbtiniai masalai (juodos, 8 vnt.)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

6.99 € 6.29 € Be PVM: 5.20 €

FOX Edges Zig Aligna Sleeves dirbtiniai masalai (raudonos, 8 vnt.)

These innovative new range of Zig Aligna’s are set to change the way that anglers fish with Zig Rigs forever. Based on our Line Aligna Adaptor, which was developed for pop-up and bottom bait fishing, the new Zig Aligna is constructed from a softer, more buoyant plastic and features a unique moulded ..

6.99 € 6.29 € Be PVM: 5.20 €

FOX Halo Illuminated Marker 1 Pole Kit Inc. Remote markiravimo komplektas (1 vnt., su imtuvu)

Designed for anglers that use boats for baiting up/rig placement and to be left out in lake to mark areas that you are fishingHuge development on other marker poles currently on the marketIncreased wall thickness makes these poles much stronger and hard-wearing (other weaker versions on the market p..

209.99 € 188.99 € Be PVM: 156.19 €